Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Night With Jason Mraz

Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I wasn't the only one with Jason last night. As he told me, there were approximately 50,00 of our best friends there at the Hollywood Bowl also. Last night was the first time I saw him live and I'm amazed at how spectacular a show he puts on. Live is truly his forum, but I think he was being a bit cautious, because he flew his parents in from Virginia and had them in the front row. I'm guessing that was why it was a very G rated show. It was all good and I danced and sang the night away. I just love the way he can spin lyrics and put a funky tune together, he's truly gifted. Not to mention how he tries to teach us how to be better people - mostly by example. Little things like be nice to the planet, don't pollute our landfills with plastic water bottles, support your friends, & be grateful for what you have.

Next tour I plan on seeing him in at least two cities so I have an excuse for a mini vacation. I had planned on seeing Jason with the a friend who shares my enthusiasm for his music, but at the last moment she opted out. I didn't think finding a replacement would be difficult, BUT evidently not everyone knows who he is much less wanted to spend the evening in LA to see him. Seriously? I've spent the last year being completely obsessed with his music and devouring a new CD every few months, and I clearly speak to anyone and everyone who will listen about how I adore his music. So why didn't I know all my friends (sans one) hadn't a clue the boy existed? I'm guessing I spent more time talking and less time listening. The fantasy life in my head was more along the lines of everyone loved him and agreed with my feelings. We (I use the term loosely) agreed he was a wonderful human and gave the world beautiful music as a background to our own lives. Little did I know I was living entirely in my own head. Funny? Oh yeah. Bit scary? You bet.

I guess in all this I've learned I have a wonderful imagination, and I have no interest in changing that. Second I've learned that some of my best friends have no idea I even exist. I'll get into that more in another post because I'm not a social outcast or misfit. I am outgoing, cute, and rather smart, but I do have a desire to have friendships only found in sitcoms. Where any and all problems are solved in 30 minutes and with lots of laughs. That's the world I want to live in.

I want to extend my gratitude to Jason and all 50,000 of our friends who shared a beautiful evening under the stars with me. Good friends and great music - my life rocks!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My mid-life crisis

Before I turned 40 I decided I'm done waiting for the perfect time, if I want to do something I'll just do it. So I decided to take up surfing. I tell you, the 40 year old body just isn't quite as reactive as a 20 year old body. That's for sure, but I'm having lots of fun and surprising myself. Today the surf was brutal and I choked myself with the leash when a wave toppled me. Scary, but I kept going. Lots and lots of sting rays, but I still continued. I lasted almost 2 hours and it was only my second time. I'm so proud of myself for not listening to all those people who asked why I wanted to surf. Because I can, duh! Those are the boring people anyway because my friends are adventurous like me so don't let people talk you out of anything you want to do! Just do it!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Seriously? People suck!

Okay so I'm sitting at my desk minding my own business and our accountant comes up and says, "I ran OVAR and now I'm confused". Really? Cause OVAR only runs at month end and this is two days before. Now I'm confused. So I'm thinking retarded or just dumb? Evidently it appears it is only dumb because now she has caused herself much more work that if she had just waited until the actual month end to run her reports. What does this mean you ask? Well in reality not much but in my world it proves the chick with the degree is a serious moron while me ( no degree to speak of) knows better. She's been here 9 months, seriously? WTF?

Okay so since you all don't know I'm married, two kids and I work full time. I'd rather be something much more flamboyant or creative, but here I sit at a desk from 9 to 5 and basically I'm a typing monkey. I'm not discounting what I do, but seriously - If a monkey hit a keyboard they would probably do 50% of what I do. I'm a kick-ass kind of chick, but stuck at a company who wants me to "sit at my desk and type" all friggin day. Borring!

Whatever so I go to college and play solitare. I also chat on yahoo IM sometimes, but mostly I walk. I put on my ipod and I walk. I walk to Jason Mraz or Stuff you should know or whatever is rocking my world. Lately it's always Jason Mraz cause the boy is awesome. I'm seeing him on 10-10-09 at the Hollywood Bowl. Haven't been there yet but I'm a waitin!

I have bought every available recording he has made and I adore him. Him and Toca are such a team. Yes I love the guys who join him in concert, but him and Toca are the Meat and Potatoes & I love it. I'm getting a guitar just so me and the kids can play his songs. Also I offered to get a drum set so we can be the partridge family and play music. Don't tell my 12 year old because she will be sooooo excited.

Long story short - I'm 40ish, have awesome kids, creative, write my own Lyrics/Poetry, and learning guitar, bass, drums and did I mention surfing? LOL yeah I'm doing that as well. I guess everyone is entitled to a mid-life crisis and if mine is surfing & music then I'm good. Life is good. Jason if you can hear me I love you - all you're messages didn't bypass my phone and fly out of my window. LOL

Take care ya'll and be careful to care for your friends. They need you even when they don't ask for it. Be aware and observant. Be a good friend. Namaste