Shortly my life will erupt in a flurry of drama. I'll be asking my husband of 21 years to kindly move out. Yippee! This has been in the works for about 10 years. I needed to find a way to earn more money so I can solely support our two kids and live comfortably. Long story short, I went back to college and got my degree. Now I'm looking for a job, then I'll be paying off our debt then, and only then can I ask him to leave.
I feel this is very fair as he never really adjusted to being either married or a father. He acts like a single guy who happens to be sharing a house with other people. He doesn't understand that a marriage is where two people share interests and have conversations about several different subjects. I could go on forever with the laundry list of complaints, but I'll get to the good part.
A couple days ago I was standing in line at the grocery store and this guy behind me had a very deep and sexy voice and instead of typing his text, he was talking into the phone. All was good until it wasn't and his phone began ringing when he was trying to finish "texting" so he was cussing and grumbling and I had to turn around and laugh. I said, "You sir, need a teenager". We both laughed and discussed our kids and technology. I found out he is a cabinet maker and asked him for his card, because I'll be redoing my kitchen soon. He replied that he didn't have any so I asked, "How does someone reach you then?". He said all his work is by referral only, so I took out my phone and said, "Give me your number". He did and like any nice person, I texted him my name so he would hopefully remember me when I needed his services. This is where I think things took a little turn.
Later that day he texted that it was nice talking to me and that I was beautiful and how he hopes someone tells me that everyday. I sat on the text and replied a few hours later a thank you and how if he's from South Boston then why does he have a southern gentleman accent. He answered some illegible English words that didn't make sense and eventually he asked if I was single or married. I was busy and didn't see it so he kept texting. Last one I read was I thought about you in the shower and how that was a compliment. Ewww! TMI aaaaaand I'm out.
Lessons learned:
1. Too much, way too soon - He's much more comfortable telling a perfect stranger about his private sexual practices which is tacky.
2. Get to know someone and let their private information be shared in an organic fashion instead of pushing your own agenda.
3. If you can't understand the sentences coming out of their mouth or via text in the beginning, it will never get better! Duh.
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
New Year, Same Goals
I'm on my last semester of college then I'm looking at a Summer filled with testing in order to get my license. By September I should be looking for a job or two. One thing I wasn't prepared for in going back to school was the lack of time for exercise. I know everyone says that if it's important to you, you will make time for it but seriously there are only so many hours in a day. I need 7 hours of sleep a night and I will never give it up because if I do my immunity goes down and I'll get sick. Then I'm worthless on every level. Moral of the story is my fitness level went down and now I'm struggling to get it back. Luckily this semester should allow me the time I need and my trip to the gym today was awesome and I ordered a Fitbit so I can compete with my friends. Yippee!!!
Here's my new toy.
The hardest part this break was getting my diet in order. It took me a week to kick sugar and another to cut down my portions. Now I'm just working on having food on hand when I'm hungry. I have my fresh produce, Greek yogurt, chicken breast and salmon steaks. Low calories bran cereal and NF milk, more greens, and a shake rounds out most days. I do admit I love going out for Pho occasionally, but I can't imagine that would break the calorie bank.
Recently I got Netflix and I didn't know what I was missing. Amazing concept! I'm now a cord cutter, as of last February I got rid of my U verse account and got an antenna. Between Netflix, the antenna, and the internet - nothing is out of reach! First thing I did was watch Stranger Things, The OA, & Travelers. I'm not a big sci-fi fan, but I'm really enjoying it now.
Over Christmas I loved watching all those silly, romantic Hallmark channel type of movies and it was so cool. I feel like I'm finally acting like a middle-aged woman! For like 10 years all my friends have raved about them, but I didn't see the appeal, but now I do. Predictable story line means you don't need to watch every single minute. I can do chores, have a conversation and still follow them. It's like candy for the soul - I feel so good when I'm watching but then after realized I wasted 2 hours. Hey look! Another one.
This one was my favorite. The guy is just so cute! That ends another entry, so I'll say Adios for now. :)

The hardest part this break was getting my diet in order. It took me a week to kick sugar and another to cut down my portions. Now I'm just working on having food on hand when I'm hungry. I have my fresh produce, Greek yogurt, chicken breast and salmon steaks. Low calories bran cereal and NF milk, more greens, and a shake rounds out most days. I do admit I love going out for Pho occasionally, but I can't imagine that would break the calorie bank.
Recently I got Netflix and I didn't know what I was missing. Amazing concept! I'm now a cord cutter, as of last February I got rid of my U verse account and got an antenna. Between Netflix, the antenna, and the internet - nothing is out of reach! First thing I did was watch Stranger Things, The OA, & Travelers. I'm not a big sci-fi fan, but I'm really enjoying it now.
Over Christmas I loved watching all those silly, romantic Hallmark channel type of movies and it was so cool. I feel like I'm finally acting like a middle-aged woman! For like 10 years all my friends have raved about them, but I didn't see the appeal, but now I do. Predictable story line means you don't need to watch every single minute. I can do chores, have a conversation and still follow them. It's like candy for the soul - I feel so good when I'm watching but then after realized I wasted 2 hours. Hey look! Another one.
This one was my favorite. The guy is just so cute! That ends another entry, so I'll say Adios for now. :)

Cutting sugar,
Hallmark channel,
middle age,
stranger things,
the oa,
Friday, February 12, 2016
Going back to college? At your age?
Hello all,
If you are looking at the massive gap in the time since my last post. I have a really good explanation. I decided to go back to college and apply to a Dental Hygiene school. After a few years of completing my pre-requisite classes, I was happily accepted to a prestigious program in my area. The program is 2 years or 4 short, 16 week semesters. Some people break it down into weeks or days, but that seems like too much work and with my class load, I'm a busy girl already.
First semester was overwhelming, but so exciting! The workload was all consuming and when I did all the homework I felt necessary, I was left with around 5 hours a week (Sunday night) to relax and do what I wanted. How could I survive you ask? Especially with having 2 kids and a husband to care for. I'm very lucky that my family totally supports my dream and everyone chips in to keep our house running. My 19 year old daughter routinely picks up and drops off her brother at school and tutoring. My husband cooks and cleans. I still grocery shop, pay bills, and basically oversee the daily operations, but mainly I've outsourced the day to day chores. It's teaching the kids good skills is what I keep telling them.
So here we are in the second semester. It's the end of week 2 and I'm still trying to determine the best study method for the new teacher we have. That's the most difficult part of each semester I feel. Until the first test, I never know exactly how the professor (or in this case Doctor) wants the information delivered. Some teachers want you to memorize information, so I usually read the books and make flashcards, but some teachers want you to understand "concepts" which is much more difficult in my opinion. Difficult because I can read the book, Google or ask in class any facts I don't quite understand completely, but what happens when your teacher didn't use the book when designing the test? Yeah, I'm pretty confused how I'm expected to study for those exams also. In fact, last semester everyone, except one lucky student, failed out radiology final. Luckily our averages were high enough to carry us across the minimum 75% necessary to pass the class, but if you understand anything about Dental Hygiene students - we are ALL "A" students. We all strive for being the best and kick serious butt each and every day. Long story short, we have that same teacher for two classes this semester and I'm planning on cracking the code in how to study for those tests and pass!!! I'll keep you in the loop in case you run into the same situation. Also if you have any tips or tricks, please, PLEASE put that info in the comments section.
What's new for this semester? We get to see actual patients. In fact we see patients 2 days a week and I'm already feeling much more comfortable with it. I have a confession, the first day I had butterflies in my tummy and eating was very difficult, but I didn't want to get low blood sugar on my first clinic day. All went well and with each patient I'm learning so much it blows my mind. What's even better is our whole class shares info so we can continue to grow from each others experiences (and mistakes) every day.
I see the seniors look so comfortable in the clinician's chair and wonder if I will look the same next year. They assure me I will and they understand my current feeling as they felt the exact same way last year. My class are considered juniors even though I will graduate with an Associates in Science degree from my community college. Most people don't understand that I've been going to school for 4-5 years already (part-time) and have 1.5 years remaining simply to earn my 2 year degree. So when I hear you tell people I'm a Dental Assisting student and I correct you immediately, please understand that I've earned the respect with the title Dental Hygienist. By the time I graduate, I'll be a health care provider completely responsible for not only cleaning your teeth, but the health of your gums, explaining optimal oral hygiene care, anesthesia, some restorative, determining the entire health of you as a person, because diseases effect the entire body and when I review your medical history, give you an extra oral & intra oral exam, I am usually the first person to see the beginnings of most diseases. If you ever have the opportunity to be in my chair and I have questions and concerns about your health, please take me seriously and go see your general physician to discuss my findings. It may save your life or at least prolong it.
If you are looking at the massive gap in the time since my last post. I have a really good explanation. I decided to go back to college and apply to a Dental Hygiene school. After a few years of completing my pre-requisite classes, I was happily accepted to a prestigious program in my area. The program is 2 years or 4 short, 16 week semesters. Some people break it down into weeks or days, but that seems like too much work and with my class load, I'm a busy girl already.
Here's how excited I am on my first day in a human mouth.
First semester was overwhelming, but so exciting! The workload was all consuming and when I did all the homework I felt necessary, I was left with around 5 hours a week (Sunday night) to relax and do what I wanted. How could I survive you ask? Especially with having 2 kids and a husband to care for. I'm very lucky that my family totally supports my dream and everyone chips in to keep our house running. My 19 year old daughter routinely picks up and drops off her brother at school and tutoring. My husband cooks and cleans. I still grocery shop, pay bills, and basically oversee the daily operations, but mainly I've outsourced the day to day chores. It's teaching the kids good skills is what I keep telling them.
So here we are in the second semester. It's the end of week 2 and I'm still trying to determine the best study method for the new teacher we have. That's the most difficult part of each semester I feel. Until the first test, I never know exactly how the professor (or in this case Doctor) wants the information delivered. Some teachers want you to memorize information, so I usually read the books and make flashcards, but some teachers want you to understand "concepts" which is much more difficult in my opinion. Difficult because I can read the book, Google or ask in class any facts I don't quite understand completely, but what happens when your teacher didn't use the book when designing the test? Yeah, I'm pretty confused how I'm expected to study for those exams also. In fact, last semester everyone, except one lucky student, failed out radiology final. Luckily our averages were high enough to carry us across the minimum 75% necessary to pass the class, but if you understand anything about Dental Hygiene students - we are ALL "A" students. We all strive for being the best and kick serious butt each and every day. Long story short, we have that same teacher for two classes this semester and I'm planning on cracking the code in how to study for those tests and pass!!! I'll keep you in the loop in case you run into the same situation. Also if you have any tips or tricks, please, PLEASE put that info in the comments section.
What's new for this semester? We get to see actual patients. In fact we see patients 2 days a week and I'm already feeling much more comfortable with it. I have a confession, the first day I had butterflies in my tummy and eating was very difficult, but I didn't want to get low blood sugar on my first clinic day. All went well and with each patient I'm learning so much it blows my mind. What's even better is our whole class shares info so we can continue to grow from each others experiences (and mistakes) every day.
I see the seniors look so comfortable in the clinician's chair and wonder if I will look the same next year. They assure me I will and they understand my current feeling as they felt the exact same way last year. My class are considered juniors even though I will graduate with an Associates in Science degree from my community college. Most people don't understand that I've been going to school for 4-5 years already (part-time) and have 1.5 years remaining simply to earn my 2 year degree. So when I hear you tell people I'm a Dental Assisting student and I correct you immediately, please understand that I've earned the respect with the title Dental Hygienist. By the time I graduate, I'll be a health care provider completely responsible for not only cleaning your teeth, but the health of your gums, explaining optimal oral hygiene care, anesthesia, some restorative, determining the entire health of you as a person, because diseases effect the entire body and when I review your medical history, give you an extra oral & intra oral exam, I am usually the first person to see the beginnings of most diseases. If you ever have the opportunity to be in my chair and I have questions and concerns about your health, please take me seriously and go see your general physician to discuss my findings. It may save your life or at least prolong it.
I'll get off my soap box now and get back to reading and studying. I have a 4 day holiday and I'm devoting myself to getting caught up on each subject. Hahahaha - like there's enough hours in the day for that. I'll do my best and hope to see the sun or my family.
Much love until I have another spare moment to blog.
community college,
Dental hygiene,
Dental Hygiene school,
Oral hygiene,
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Honesty is today's special
If you are reading the dates of how often I post, you can see it's been a few years. A lot has changed, kids grew, careers changed, and my marriage is in a coma. Sad? Meh - I've tried everything to save it, but it takes two people to make it work and I'm only one, so I'm moving into the direction of consciously uncoupling. I'm finishing my degree, kids are getting closer to graduating, and I'm looking towards the Great Northwest as my new home.
I've been quite content and busy wrapping up things here that I wasn't quite prepared for what Summer would be like as a student. See, before I took care of my kids, but now one has graduated and the other is in High School which means neither wants or needs me around. Here's the sad part, I think I'm suffering from early Empty Nest Syndrome. No one has moved out, but in the span of a few days, no one needs me and I'm free to have my own life. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!!!! Seriously, this stuff usually creeps up slowly when finally the last one leaves, but not as quick as this.
So, I'm a smart, resourceful woman and I called my friends, made plans, started a diet, resumed my workout regimen and guess what? I'm bored. I'm embarrassed to even admit it, because I usually tell people that "boredom is the step right before creativity", but I'm like a little lost puppy. I went on Meetup to find activities and found a million reasons why I didn't want to go, I even went on a dating site hoping to meet a kindred spirit to bum around with - and for the first time ever, got no responses to my profile. Now I'm bordering on whiny depression. Good news is on my diet I've lost 7 lbs in 5 days. My workouts have my body feeling better than ever. What am I missing? Maybe I'll read a book, see a movie, and go on a road trip. That would help, new people and new spaces always make me happy.
I've been quite content and busy wrapping up things here that I wasn't quite prepared for what Summer would be like as a student. See, before I took care of my kids, but now one has graduated and the other is in High School which means neither wants or needs me around. Here's the sad part, I think I'm suffering from early Empty Nest Syndrome. No one has moved out, but in the span of a few days, no one needs me and I'm free to have my own life. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!!!! Seriously, this stuff usually creeps up slowly when finally the last one leaves, but not as quick as this.
So, I'm a smart, resourceful woman and I called my friends, made plans, started a diet, resumed my workout regimen and guess what? I'm bored. I'm embarrassed to even admit it, because I usually tell people that "boredom is the step right before creativity", but I'm like a little lost puppy. I went on Meetup to find activities and found a million reasons why I didn't want to go, I even went on a dating site hoping to meet a kindred spirit to bum around with - and for the first time ever, got no responses to my profile. Now I'm bordering on whiny depression. Good news is on my diet I've lost 7 lbs in 5 days. My workouts have my body feeling better than ever. What am I missing? Maybe I'll read a book, see a movie, and go on a road trip. That would help, new people and new spaces always make me happy.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Ghost Whisperer
So my latest obsession is Ghost Whisperer. It appeals to me on so many levels most of them being I'm a chick, hence the tear jerking sappy scenes. Second I'm from a broken family so I believe each moment might be the last and I need to let you know how I feel should I die in the next hour (or so).
I have always felt the need to let people know how I feel, where I'm going, where I've been and who I was with. All this just in case I might go missing and you are questioned by the police as to my whereabouts. See? In that case, you could give valuable info to the popo and they could find me. I might be tied up in a trunk, in a hospital bed with amnesia, or maybe already gone and in a shallow grave. Either way I've done my part in helping the good people help find and save me.
Save me? Maybe that is more significant. Maybe I've just been leaving a trail my whole life just waiting for someone to come and save me. Save me from what? My life? I have a good life. My job? No problem there. So what? My past? Save the abondoned child who's Dad gave up custody and who's Mom ignored her? Who's Stepdad took a strange interest in a pre-teen girl? Yeah that's what I need saving from. Saving from what was and what could have been. Ghost Whisperer gave me the belief I have a purpose - no matter how inconvenient or heartbreaking it might be now. It's all worth it in the end - you're end, my end - who cares. I have been inspired to do better, be more patient, give more easily, and expect there is some bigger picture I didn't discover in a one hour time frame. It's all part of a greater plan, not my plan, but a bigger plan. One I'm not knowledgable of and I need to trust in. Our plan. So give freely, give to those you can - and watch TV. It has more to give than you think...
I have always felt the need to let people know how I feel, where I'm going, where I've been and who I was with. All this just in case I might go missing and you are questioned by the police as to my whereabouts. See? In that case, you could give valuable info to the popo and they could find me. I might be tied up in a trunk, in a hospital bed with amnesia, or maybe already gone and in a shallow grave. Either way I've done my part in helping the good people help find and save me.
Save me? Maybe that is more significant. Maybe I've just been leaving a trail my whole life just waiting for someone to come and save me. Save me from what? My life? I have a good life. My job? No problem there. So what? My past? Save the abondoned child who's Dad gave up custody and who's Mom ignored her? Who's Stepdad took a strange interest in a pre-teen girl? Yeah that's what I need saving from. Saving from what was and what could have been. Ghost Whisperer gave me the belief I have a purpose - no matter how inconvenient or heartbreaking it might be now. It's all worth it in the end - you're end, my end - who cares. I have been inspired to do better, be more patient, give more easily, and expect there is some bigger picture I didn't discover in a one hour time frame. It's all part of a greater plan, not my plan, but a bigger plan. One I'm not knowledgable of and I need to trust in. Our plan. So give freely, give to those you can - and watch TV. It has more to give than you think...
Friday, December 31, 2010
New Year - New Life Plan
I spent most of 2010 either in a classroom, behind a desk, or in front of the TV with my best friends. Now I've changed jobs & taking a break from school, so I plan on spending 2011 building my business and sitting in front of the TV.
Exciting? Hell yeah! When you have the right shows, all is well with the world. My favorites lately are Storm Chasers which is unfortunately over for the season, Burn Notice which starts up again soon, and for some reason Mythbusters is really rocking this season. I've been a fan since the beginning, but the last couple years it got redundant - thank God that's all changed!
My other past time is marketing my insurance business. I've learned it's easier to bring business to you than go searching for it, so today I spent all day developing a landing page for my Facebook page which you can find here!/pages/Secret-Insurance-Agent/142597042456572?v=wall
(Edit: Page disabled so don't bother clicking)
It isn't perfect, but since I'm a total novice when it comes to writing code - it's great for a first timer. I'll work on it until it's pure perfection complete with buttons to push for a quote and plenty of bells and whistles. Whoo Hoo!
If you would like to contact me directly, you can find me at
Have a Happy New Year and always remember my favorite quote from Jillian Michaels "Why choose failure when success is still an option?"
Exciting? Hell yeah! When you have the right shows, all is well with the world. My favorites lately are Storm Chasers which is unfortunately over for the season, Burn Notice which starts up again soon, and for some reason Mythbusters is really rocking this season. I've been a fan since the beginning, but the last couple years it got redundant - thank God that's all changed!
My other past time is marketing my insurance business. I've learned it's easier to bring business to you than go searching for it, so today I spent all day developing a landing page for my Facebook page which you can find here!/pages/Secret-Insurance-Agent/142597042456572?v=wall
(Edit: Page disabled so don't bother clicking)
It isn't perfect, but since I'm a total novice when it comes to writing code - it's great for a first timer. I'll work on it until it's pure perfection complete with buttons to push for a quote and plenty of bells and whistles. Whoo Hoo!
If you would like to contact me directly, you can find me at
Have a Happy New Year and always remember my favorite quote from Jillian Michaels "Why choose failure when success is still an option?"
Burn Notice,
Jillian Michaels,
New Year,
Storm Chasers,
Sunday, October 11, 2009
My Night With Jason Mraz

Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I wasn't the only one with Jason last night. As he told me, there were approximately 50,00 of our best friends there at the Hollywood Bowl also. Last night was the first time I saw him live and I'm amazed at how spectacular a show he puts on. Live is truly his forum, but I think he was being a bit cautious, because he flew his parents in from Virginia and had them in the front row. I'm guessing that was why it was a very G rated show. It was all good and I danced and sang the night away. I just love the way he can spin lyrics and put a funky tune together, he's truly gifted. Not to mention how he tries to teach us how to be better people - mostly by example. Little things like be nice to the planet, don't pollute our landfills with plastic water bottles, support your friends, & be grateful for what you have.
Next tour I plan on seeing him in at least two cities so I have an excuse for a mini vacation. I had planned on seeing Jason with the a friend who shares my enthusiasm for his music, but at the last moment she opted out. I didn't think finding a replacement would be difficult, BUT evidently not everyone knows who he is much less wanted to spend the evening in LA to see him. Seriously? I've spent the last year being completely obsessed with his music and devouring a new CD every few months, and I clearly speak to anyone and everyone who will listen about how I adore his music. So why didn't I know all my friends (sans one) hadn't a clue the boy existed? I'm guessing I spent more time talking and less time listening. The fantasy life in my head was more along the lines of everyone loved him and agreed with my feelings. We (I use the term loosely) agreed he was a wonderful human and gave the world beautiful music as a background to our own lives. Little did I know I was living entirely in my own head. Funny? Oh yeah. Bit scary? You bet.
I guess in all this I've learned I have a wonderful imagination, and I have no interest in changing that. Second I've learned that some of my best friends have no idea I even exist. I'll get into that more in another post because I'm not a social outcast or misfit. I am outgoing, cute, and rather smart, but I do have a desire to have friendships only found in sitcoms. Where any and all problems are solved in 30 minutes and with lots of laughs. That's the world I want to live in.
I want to extend my gratitude to Jason and all 50,000 of our friends who shared a beautiful evening under the stars with me. Good friends and great music - my life rocks!
Hollywood Bowl,
Jason Mraz,
Plastic Bottles,
Sit Com
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